
Monday, September 15, 2014

chapter 1: revival and regrets

hi there... i dont have a lot of followers, but tonight i want to share to the world about my story.. the beginning of a new chapter. that's why i post by chapters from now on. i've just deleted all my old post just now as it's the past and now on with the future. i haven't yet graduated and still stuck in college eventhough most of my batch have already graduated. things had been rough and i've been faced on so many hardship of life. even if i really dedicated and work very hard, luck was not always on my side.but one thing is, i never give up. i don't want to think such negative way and try to be thankful as it is. yes, tears may have run down my cheeks but life has to go on and giving up is not the choice that you have to choose. you may have your bones break or your dreams crush, and sometimes its just suffocated that you almost gives up. but know that God/(Allah) has never given up on me or you. all this things happen for a cause. in every end of a tunnel will always be light..so what i've been through for all along is somewhat a gift. by the hard obstacle that i've been through is something that teach me to live and take a glimpse into my own life, what i am capable of, what i can do if i push myself more. so i hope InsyaAllah this time i will get through all of this. InsyaAllah.

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